About the posted information

We strive to provide the latest and most accurate property information on our website, but we do not guarantee its accuracy. We are not responsible for any damage, harm, or disadvantage caused by actions taken without consulting our agents based on this information.

Also, please note that we may add, modify, or abolish content on this website without prior notice to users. Similarly, changes to the system may be made without prior notice if deemed necessary for service operation.

About Property Information

If there is a discrepancy between the information published and the information provided by the agent, the agent's information takes precedence.

About Rental Status

Information is also published at the store and on other companies' websites. It may not be the most recent, so please confirm with the agent.

About Layout and Photos

Photos, layouts, completed images, and view photos in the property information may differ from reality due to the method of creation, shooting method, and timing.

About Traffic Information

The displayed travel times do not include transfer or waiting times. Travel times can vary depending on traffic conditions and time of day.

About Direction

There may be errors in the orientation symbols.

About Pets

In properties where pet keeping is allowed, the type, size, and keeping method of pets must comply with the property's management rules.

About Damage Insurance

Enrollment in damage insurance is a condition for rental agreements.

About Brokerage Fee

A brokerage fee equivalent to 1.1 months' rent is charged upon conclusion of the rental agreement.

About Other Costs

Additional costs such as key exchange fees and cleaning fees upon departure may be required.